
Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to use the Surah Al-Fatihah

How to use the Surah Al-Fatihah

[From Dr. Fatma's tafsir Al-Quran class:

How to use the Surah Al Fatihah]

1. To make someone (YOUR Husband, your children) think of you all the time :
* Read the Al-Fatihah 14 times before going to sleep.

2. For terminal diseases :
* Read the Al-Fatihah 41 times and blow it in the water. Drink and take a bath with that water.

3. For the mentally ill :* Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the person's head once in the morning and once at night, everyday without fail.

4. When in extreme pain :* Read the Al-Fatihah 3 times and blow it in a glass of water and drink it. Then, read the Al-Fatihah while rubbing the area that is in pain.

5. For babies who cry at night or at any time :* Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the baby's head.

6. For injury : [ie: Cut, Bee sting, Bleeding, Finger got slammed by the door]
* Read the Al-Fatihah 3 or 7 times, using your thumb, take your saliva from the "langit-langit" of your mouth and rub it onto the injured area.All of the above, insya-Allah will work with several conditions :

* Believe that the Al-Fatihah is the best "penawar" for everything.
* Read it with full "khusyuk".
* Tawakal to Allah SWT.
* Use it with GOOD "niat" /intentions.

Untuk yg berhajat: (Dipercepatkan jodoh, dipanjangkan jodoh, dikurniakan cahaya mata, disembuhkan penyakit, mengelak dari malapetaka, diampunkan dosa dsb) :

* Dilakukan pada hari Jumaat selepas solat Asar sehinggalah masuknya waktu Maghrib.
* Duduk menghadap kiblat.
* Lakukannya dengan khusyuk dan yakin bahawa Allah SWT akan membantu kita.
* Baca lah Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Allah berulang-ulang kali sepanjang kita duduk selepas solat Asar sehinggalah masuknya waktu Maghrib.

* Masuk sahaja waktu Maghrib, dikala the first "Allahu Akhbar" dilaungkan, terus lah angkat tangan dan berdoa kepada Allah yang Maha Berkuasa dengan apa yang dihajati.
* Buat sebanyak 3 Jumaat berturut-turut. Mintalah yang baik-baik. Niat biar baik. Insya-Allah akan dimakbulkan oleh Allah SWT.Untuk awet muda both internal & external :1. Zikir : Baca "Ya Badiyah" 1x, "Ya Nur" 1x, "Ya Hadi" 1x, "Ya Allah" 3x. Baca dan tiup ke tapak tangan, kemudian sapu ke muka. Lakukan setiap hari.

2. Baca Surah Al-Waqiah, ayat ke 35, 36, 37 dan 38 setiap kali selesai solat Subuh ke air dan minum. (air rawatan dalaman to look young and feel young inside).3. Baca Al-Waqiah setiap hari sebelum tidur. Kita akan kaya dengan ketenangan jiwa.4. Baca Al-Waqiah, ayat ke 19 untuk yang selalu sakit kepala.

Moga-moga boleh menghilangkan/meredakan sakit yang dialami, insya-Allah.Wallahu a'lam.

[Notes taken from Ustazah Fatma's last lecture session taken by her closest friend, Ani]

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Muzik Hati said...

tQ for sharing this darl... tQ so so so much... ^_^

attyfir said...

thanks for the good info.