Bought this book for my cousin who complained she is bored at home and told me that she got nothing to do at home, no wonder lah she is always on the net YMing her classmate. I even saw her online almost every nite on YM.
Aaaahhh... budak2 zaman skarang ni... she's only in form one!! Dah pandai komplen boring?? Kat umah ada astro, ada internet, handphone pun ada... that's why I thought.. I ought to instill her with a little love towards reading... this is actually a second book I gave her. The first was an English story book that I gave her and the other two counsins few months ago. (which she didn't finish until now). So...now I think, let's try Malay book plakk...
I read few pages of this Dear Yayah... It's a story about life of a young girl (form four I think), her school, her friends.. etc... something that I think my cousin can relate too...
I'm really serious in making my young cousins fall in love with books. Especially with English storybooks. Reading is definately the best way to improve your English! Period!
Aaaahhh... budak2 zaman skarang ni... she's only in form one!! Dah pandai komplen boring?? Kat umah ada astro, ada internet, handphone pun ada... that's why I thought.. I ought to instill her with a little love towards reading... this is actually a second book I gave her. The first was an English story book that I gave her and the other two counsins few months ago. (which she didn't finish until now). So...now I think, let's try Malay book plakk...
I read few pages of this Dear Yayah... It's a story about life of a young girl (form four I think), her school, her friends.. etc... something that I think my cousin can relate too...
I'm really serious in making my young cousins fall in love with books. Especially with English storybooks. Reading is definately the best way to improve your English! Period!
Agree! Extensive reading really helps in foreign language. *calit sikit*.. hiks hiks..
hopefully she'll like the book.
nowadays... bebudak macam2 jer ragamnya kan?
great cousin! :D
kecik2 dah pandai boring
cubit kang...
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