
Wednesday, September 03, 2008


This entry is specially dedicated to Akak Neeza nun jauh di Saudi Arabia...

As I was roaming aroud the town today, I stumbled upon this sweet and colourful delicacies.. at an instant it reminds me of Kak Neeza with her 'Bledho' blog...

This is Bledho Pelangi - ini kira bledho yg diberi nafas baru la.. biasanyer bledho tade lah colourful mcm ni.. kan Akak Neeza kan...

This one osso bledho... tapi namanya Bledho Buih..sebabnyer rasa dia mcm makan buih2 kot..hehehe...

Beli yang ni je...sikit je cukup la... yg lain2 tu byk la..sure tak abis punyer....

Sorry for making you salivating over this... hehe

Happy Fasting.....



Neeza Shahril said...

waduuhhh!! I am really salivating now.. nak jugak bledho tuuu.. sedapnyaaa..

thanks miss cloudy for the colorful pictures :). I've no jelly like the one malaysia here.. I guess I have to get one to make that kind of bledho.. hehee..

miss cloudy said...

u r welcome... hehe...

Rush Murad said...

Salam... makanan tu memang dipanggil bledho ker? macam tak pernah dengar plak... agar2 kan? I memang suka makan agar2, pudding dan yg sewaktu dengannya... :D

Dah linked orang Kuantan.... raya nanti macam nak singgah Kuantan jekkk...

miss cloudy said...

hi rush murad..thnax for dropping by... yupp..mmg panggil bledho.. nama dlm buku agar2.. hehe.. tapi kat kuantan tak panggil la bledho.. kat kelate je panggil bledho.. saya keje je kat kuantan... tapi asal kelantan

eedany said...

wow nampak sedaplah! Colorful lagi.. Owh Bledho ke namanya?

Selamat Berpuasa mis cloudy.


13may said...
