Last weekend we went to Berjaya Megamall... ada book fair kat atrium depan Starbucks tuu... Popular Bookstore punyer book fair...
Dalam dok meronda tu, ternampaklah buku nih... wahhh.. nak ber-twitter pun ada buku gak ke?
Aku tengok je, tak beli pun.. we bought two books, one for my cousin n the other one for Mr. Monday
Ehhh.. KLIBF 2010 dah start ker?
1 comment:
Cik Cloudy,
KLIBF starts tomorrow. I'm going, but maybe next week. Yg kat Berjaya Megamall ni tak sempat pulak.
Tak apalah, borong kat PWTC tu je nantilah.
Nanti jgn lupa cerita psl KLIBF pulak ye ;)
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