
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dengan KuasaNya, Anything Could Happen

For the past 3 days, every morning the moment Cik Cloudy celik mata jer, terus teringat.. Dah jumpa ke MH370 tu? Terus carik handphone nak tgk latest development... tapi so far hampa, still xjumpe, apa lah nasib diaorang tu sekarang ye, hidup ke mati ke... kalau kita yg xde sedara-mara kat dalam MH370 pon susah hati, apatah lagi kaum keluarga dan sahabat handai penumpang MH370 tu kan..

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala-galanya.. Malam td tengok kat Tv3 ada interviu dengan Kapten Norudin Abd Majid, bekas pilot B777 Fleet MAS, first time dengar dan tgk kat TV ada orang yg cakap mcm apa yg dia cakap tu (unless maybe aku terlepas tgk la if ada dah yg ckp cam dia cakap). So apa yg Kapten Norudin ckap? Well, aku simpulkan MH370 bagi Kapten Norudin telah ghaib dengan kekuasaan Allah s.w.t dan apa yg perlu doa dari orang-orang yang soleh dan sedara-mara. It is  refreshing to listen to that on tv! We should have more of that, coz look at what happened masa kes heli terhempas kat Bario dulu tu...


Irfa said...

kun fa ya kun

Unknown said...

Now Marang villager spulak kata dgo big noise off Pulau Kapas, hope it`s NOT another mak nenek tale!
Thay too file a Police report like the Kelantanese Nelayan and KB resident!
Allahu Akbar let them find anything for all the 38 Malaysian peace of mind! That's my prioirty.. the rest will fall and fit the Jigsaw.
Well n gd for the ex-Kapt but think of the Kapt and the young co-pilot. His jasad has yet to be found now ade scandal w an Aussie woman.
Mkini shd hv some respect for the Lost NOT yet found than simply let a story go unverified (by Farq) when he is found.