
Monday, July 15, 2013

Alvin & Vivian Buat Hal Lagi

Alvin dan gf nyer Vivian sekali lagi berada di limelight, dulu kat Singapura.. kali ni wat hal lg dengan ucapan selamat berbuka puasa tapi tunjuk tengah makan bak kut teh yg pasti nyer tak halal tp siap ada tanda halal kat gamba tu

ni news nyer CikCLoudy amik dr..

KUALA LUMPUR, (MLP) - The two 'sex bloggers' are back with another shocking online scandal. Their photo post on 'Selamat Berbuka Puasa' has been shared virally across Facebook because of their insensitivity towards the Muslim community.

The duo posted a photo with them eating 'Bak Kut Teh' (a non-halal popular pork dish) with the common Ramadan greetings 'Selamat Berbuka Puasa' on the top and the Malaysia's Halal logo is embellished at the bottom the photo.

Their shenanigans has caused Facebook users to burst out in disgust, some even asking the couple to stop using 'cheap publicity stunt' to gain fame.

Previously, Alvin and Vivian has caused a nationwide uproar when they post elicit photos and videos on their personal blog; 'Sumptuos Erotica' which has caused Alvin to lose his NUS scholarship in Singapore. The couple managed to get onto the media's radar and stayed as the trending topic for one whole month.

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