
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Perfume Yang Best

Ini PURE WHITE LINEN by Estee Lauder. 

Ini Wildbloom  by Banana Republic

dan ini Versace Bright Crystal

At the moment, 3 tu my top 3 perfume yang cikcloudy minat. 

Harga? Tengok la botol besar ke kecik ke... 

Other than yg 3 tu ada a few perfumes dr Body Shop yg CikCloudy suka, yg tu nanti lain entry kite citer. 

So, kenapa perempuan (well.. lelaki pon)  suka pakai minyak wangi atau perfume? Adakah sebab nak cover bau busuk badan? Well, the obvious reason of course nak bau wangi la kan, duhhh! Tapi pakai ubat ketiak pun buleh bagi bau wangi kan.. well tak sama bau wangi nyer, lagi pun kat pasaran tu banyakkk sangat perfumes yg bau nyer sangat2 best!

Lagi pun, it's nice kan bila kwn2 kite  berbau wangi, so kite pun kena lah wangi utk org sekeliling kita kan. Just jgn terlalu wangilah kan, nnti tak baik pulak kannn... 

So, kepada mereka yang tak paham kenapa ke pakai perfume yang mahal-mahal (yess mahal for me la, mostly perfume yg best will cost you 200 ringgit lebih sebotol), ini reasons yg CikCloudy jumpe kat internet as to why orang pakai perfumes...

) to cover up a less pleasant smell – internal plumbing has now made this reason inexcusable
2) out of habit – after replacing the comb, reaching for the small glass bottle
3) as a thoughtless accessory – like a scarf carelessly slung around the neck
4) as a carefully chosen accessory – like a piece of jewelry proudly, lovingly worn
5) as a mood changer – a burst of fresh citrus on a dark day
6) for sensual delight – a blast of leather on a hot day
7) for seductive intent – a blast of leather on a hot date
8) to be noticed – some perfumes are the olfactory equivalents of ghetto blasters or pink stilettos
9) to be thought clean – read trustworthy
10) to be thought rich – read powerful

kopipes dr sini

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