Minggu ni busy gilos!
Since Monday morning ada je nak kena attend meeting. Everyday at 9am meeting sampai ke tengah hari!! Perut berkeroncong gilos!
Since Monday morning ada je nak kena attend meeting. Everyday at 9am meeting sampai ke tengah hari!! Perut berkeroncong gilos!
Tapi yang best nyer for the past 2 days had lunch with the big boss!! Eh... don't get me wrong... bukan lunch berdua ngan dia jek la!! Ada la org lain gak..on Tuesday the big boss yg belanja lunch, on Wednesday second boss (my immediate boss) pulak yg belanja. Hari ni... had meeting ngan colleague dari jauh, thought of belanja depa, alih2 depa lak belanja aku... huhu..
One thing yg aku suka... my laptop dah boleh berinternet kat tempat keje, but not at my office room lah..well at least not at the moment..dalam proses nak sambung kabel..hopefully by July dah boleh la.. before this my laptop (ofis nyer laptop sebenarnya) ada prob takleh nak get connected to the internet. Lepas anta kat technician betul dah buleh...and yg best nyer aku dapat satu password yg lagi senang nak xs to the net. huhu
Minggu ni jugak asyik tak lekat kat bilik ofis aku jek. Dah tu asyik dok meeting jek, dah la ofis aku tu jauh dari tamadun manusia yg lain...so dok merempat kat ofis boss aku jek la.. sampai anak buah aku pun dah lama tak bersua.. hehe...
Lagi yg buat aku happy is the kedai.. dah byk new development... tadi dah siap pasang 2 bijik aircond n sabtu the big boss dah bg green light utk cat baru!! Other than dat... need to do some serious shopping before July 1st !! Mau abis ribu riban ni... opss... not for me lah...for the kedai lah.. hehe... byk benda yg dh approve utk di beli... yey!
owh.. sama la kita.. sy pon bz giloz tp ok sket dah.. thnx for dropping by kat blog sy ya! nti sy link awk k?
sapa awak ye..tq 4 da comment nway...
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